50 Best Startup Companies To Watch For in 2022

50 Best Startup Companies To Watch For in 2022

Startup companies are a double-edged sword. All of the world’s biggest mega corporations started as humble startups before cornering the market. Being able to tell whether a startup will increase in value and develop into something more serious is near-impossible, but...
Online (Internet) Business Stats and Facts in 2022

Online (Internet) Business Stats and Facts in 2022

The online world is now more populated than ever due to the SARS-COV-2 pandemic. We’ve witnessed the biggest shut-in that has occurred in decades. Now, the only difference is that we have access to the world wide web to keep us entertained. The internet is crawling...
Social Media Statistics for 2022: 54 Stats You Need to Know

Social Media Statistics for 2022: 54 Stats You Need to Know

Social media today is unrecognizable compared to the social media of the early 2000s. It’s no longer a place solely for sharing every thought that pops into your head (although that depends on who you ask). It’s now a place for truly connecting with others, shopping,...
Internet of Things (IoT) Stats, Facts and Trends  in 2022

Internet of Things (IoT) Stats, Facts and Trends in 2022

The Internet of Things (IoT) is making quantum leaps towards the future. The industry is rapidly expanding as the markets’ needs grow beyond our wildest estimations and forecasts. Powered by the latest sensors, cutting-edge software, big data, AI (artificial...
Best Affiliate Marketing Stats for 2022

Best Affiliate Marketing Stats for 2022

With the appearance of blogs, channels, and social media accounts, affiliate marketing has quickly become a key digital marketing strategy. While it has been around for some time, the popularity and practice of affiliate marketing significantly took off back in 2010,...