Now, though your names are very much famous in the world of online entrepreneurship, some of our readers haven’t heard about Entrepreneurs on Fire yet – so would you mind introduce them with EOFire in a couple of short sentences?
Entrepreneurs On Fire is a daily podcast where John Lee Dumas (JLD) interviews today’s most successful and inspiring entrepreneurs. Through listening to the podcast our audience, the Fire Nation as we call them, gains the courage and motivation to take their own entrepreneurial leap.
In the online world, the right domain name is very important. How long did it take you to come up with the domain name for EOFire?
We came up with the domain name based on the name of the podcast/business we wanted to create.
Which platform did you use and would also recommend gladly to others to use when creating their website?
We love WordPress. Our site has gone through a lot of changes and is now fully customized, but it’s always remained on the same platform. For Podcasters who are just starting out, we co-created a platform called Podcast Websites with Mark Asquith, which runs on WordPress. It’s a great all-in-one website and podcast hosting solution.

How do you plan your content? And also, how much time do you actually spend on creating an episode – the whole process since you decide on the topic to recording and editing it?
For the audio blog the content comes directly from the posts we create on I plan out that content based on what my audience asks about regularly. Every episode I’ve created has been a result of a conversation I’ve had, a question I’ve received, or a repetitive theme I see coming up a lot in the online communities and groups I’m a part of where I know my readers / listeners are hanging out.
Once I switched to seasons on the podcast, I was able to start planning out 10-12 episodes at a time. I start with an outline, then fill in each of the posts with full content, then record the episodes.
For John: he books out interviews months in advance, and then for 2 days each month he records 30 interviews.
Which social media channel showed to be the best tool for you, and why? Also, how often do you use social media?
Facebook has been the strongest for us in terms of community. We have 3 private Facebook Groups for our communities and they’ve not only allowed us to connect with our audience, but they’ve allowed us to provide a platform for the community to connect with one another.
We’ve also had some good experiences with Facebook ads. While we don’t use them all the time, we have had success using them leading up to our bigger launches.

From your own experience, can you say what are the top three things everyone should consider carefully before they start their own blog/website? Are there any tips you’d love to share with online beginners that you wish you knew when you started EOFire?
- Have a strong idea of the topic / content you want to focus on. This is a combination of something you’re passionate / excited about and something you have some experience doing.
- Know who your avatar / perfect reader is. Now that you have an idea, who can benefit from the info you’re going to provide?
- Once you know who your avatar is, go out and find them and start having one-on-one conversations with them to get to know them and confirm that what you have to offer is something they want / need.
So, how can one enthusiastic entrepreneur get the opportunity to be featured in one of your interviews on EOFire?
We now have an application process set up for Entrepreneurs On Fire where potential interviewees are asked a series of questions and are prompted to record a short video telling a story.

Kate, you also have your own podcast named ‘Kate’s Take’ – can you tell us a little bit more about it and why would you advise our readers to listen to it? How can it help them?
My podcast is focused on the “how-to”, so anyone looking for actionable advice about how to run a business would find great benefit in tuning in.
I don’t really focus on inspiration or motivation – I focus on the steps you can take to make progress and grow your business.
John, your book The Freedom Journal has become a very popular guide for accomplishing goals in 100 days. But, what I’m interested more about today, is your other book The Mastery Journal – what’s it all about?
The Mastery Journal is all about mastering productivity, discipline and focus in 100 days.
The Mastery Journal lays out 4 focus sessions per day. By focusing in on one single task for a specific amount of time with no distractions during your focus session, you’ll end your day feeling more accomplished than ever.
It also helps you set up a morning routine, practice acknowledging what it is you’re grateful for, and setting up your day for success – starting the night before.
The prompts in The Mastery Journal will help you become more productive, disciplined and focused.
Any words of wisdom for future online entrepreneurs around the globe?
Just start. If you have an idea or wonder whether or not a certain product, service or community will work for your business, just start. You’re never going to find out until you take the first step.
Photos ©: Entrepreneurs On Fire